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Welcome to Renaissance Unity!

It is always a great joy to welcome first-time participants like yourself to our community.   At Renaissance Unity, we are a strong, inclusive community traveling together as individuals and as a collective on our spiritual journey.  We are firmly committed to one another and our spiritual growth and development.  As Divine Expressions of Love, we hold a vision of the highest and best for each other and ourselves.

Before Sunday Services begin or after they conclude, we encourage you to learn about our CORE BELIEFS, OUR HISTORY and HOW WE SUPPORT YOU using the links that follow. 


Ask for PRAYER SUPPORT when it is needed.  Take a few minutes to CONNECT WITH US. Introduce yourself, share what brought you here, sign up to receive periodic updates and/or daily emails with inspiration and prayers.


We are excited you are here!

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Renaissance Unity is a welcoming center for spiritual learning where everyone is welcome! Our congregation reflects diversity in every way, including sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, gender, age and socioeconomic status. This is exemplified in our leadership.

Consider yourself invited, welcomed and celebrated!  Where you see your talents and resources supporting and lifting the efforts and vision of Renaissance Unity, please lean in and lead from within.  We will grow in healthy ways and beyond our wildest imagination with your help!  #WeAreRU

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At Renaissance Unity we recognize that everyone's spiritual path is unique and special.  Our goal isn't to tell you what your path is or should be, but rather to give you sacred opportunities to find the one that connects you to your own divinity and Christ-consciousness. 

In all that we do, we seek to do it with affirmative love for all, giving you and those you love, meaningful spiritual support as you find and travel along your soul's spiritual path.

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